SURF! features Arsames and Special Force

I wrote two articles based on my filmmaking trip to the Middle-East for Surf! magazine (click on the pics to read). Go check out the latest issue at all major newstands and bookstores!

I’m a writer too! Soooo talented lah! Hahaha!

8 responses to “SURF! features Arsames and Special Force

  1. A’kum Zan Azlee. Kau ingat aku lagi tak? Batch PPP UiTM yang tak jadi pi Ireland tu..batch dengan Abe Firdaus Hasymi heehhehe

    Aku selalu gak tengok short film kau kat NTV7 slot Festival.Aku lose contact kau la…boleh bagi no telefon?

    One more thing..kancil biru kau masa belajar dulu ada lagi ke? hehehe

    feel free tu mail



  2. venom! aku ingat ko! tapi… aku mana ada short film kat ntv7? yg slot FESTIVAL tu full length film. and aku punye belum keluar lagi. bulan ni baru keluar. hahaha!! siapa yg ko tgk kat tv sebenarnya tu? haha!


  3. really awesome!!! you made a great job bro you are a talented person!!!!
    Thanks for your article about Arsames we really appreciate it… keep up the good job so you will be the peresident of your country one day


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